Richard wakefield primary image 5
‘Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline essential to everyday life. A high-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject’ - National Curriculum, 2014 

Click here to access our Maths Intent, Implementation and Impact statement. ​

What does Maths look like at Richard Wakefield?

At Richard Wakefield we aim to promote a love of maths in our pupils and believe that good maths teaching not only builds the confidence in our pupils to work with numbers, but also provides them with skills they can transfer to their everyday lives. We aim to develop a deeper understanding of numbers and the ability to apply this understanding to problem solving in different contexts. 

We have adopted a ‘Mastery’ style in our teaching and learning. This means children spend longer periods of time on topics building on small steps of learning and deepening their understanding of the mathematical concepts involved. 

There are 3 stages involved in this style of teaching; 

  • The concrete stage: Children use practical apparatus and visual manipulatives as the first step when learning a new skill.

  • The pictorial stage: Moving on from the concrete stage, children represent objects as images and begin to spot patterns and relationships between numbers. 

  • The abstract stage: Children transfer their learning from the first two stages to their written work. The concrete and the pictorial stage continue to support the abstract stage. 

Reasoning and problem solving are also at the heart of our teaching. We ask children to show their understanding of a concept through their explanations of their maths work and their reasons why. 

Along side this we use rapid recall of skills and daily counting to ensure fluency through topics. 

Please take a look at our calculation policy. We hope it is useful in explaining how we teach maths and will give you an idea of how you can support your child at home. 

We use the National curriculum as a progression map, alongside the White Rose Scheme of Learning, and adapt these to ensure they are bespoke to Richard Wakefield. This enables us to deliver a mastery curriculum where our children acquire a solid understanding, through a CPA approach, before moving on to more advanced material. 

Further information can be found at:​

Ways To Help Your Child With Maths

Maths 2

Maths 11Maths 9


Maths 14Maths 13

Maths 12



















Please use the links below for useful sites to support your child's learning.

Please note; Richard Wakefield are not responsible for the content of these sites. 

Times Table Rockstars

All of the children in Years 2-6 have been registered to use this site to practise their timestables.  This is a fantastic site that encourages the quick recall of each of th facts.  Are you an Unsigned Artist or a Rock Legend?

Times Table Rockstars

Math Playground

This is site is full of games and activities that match each aspect of the maths curriculum.

Math Playground

BBC Bitesize

This link will take you to the Primary site that is currently being updated.  Once completed it will provide activities for all children in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key stage 2.

BBC Bitesize

Primary Homework Help

Click on the Maths Zone for a wealth of activities from across the Internet.

Primary Homework Help


Select a subject and your child's age group to find a range of activities.  A growing number of these activities are now tablet friendly.

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